Kids Balance Boards

Check versatile kids balance boards at HipKids, perfect as a rocker, doll hut, seesaw, stepping stool, balance beam and more. Shop online or in-store today!

Kids Wooden Balance Boards & Toys

These Waldorf inspired Kids Balance boards will keep your kids moving. They have multiple uses and is only limited by your child's imagination. It's rocker, doll hut, sea saw, stepping stool, racetrack, slide, play house etc.

Though it has many uses the main purpose of these popular balance boards is to help improve your child's balance while at the same strengthening their little legs & core, improving co-ordination and mental concentration.

It's an ideal toy also for kids with special needs such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity. As it helps strengthen their core muscles.

We have a great range of balance boards & wobble boards on offer. We have our very own HipKids Balance Board which is made from 100% birchwood and can hold up to 200kgs.

Or we also offer Wobbel boards with Felt which can also hold 200kgs and constructed from quality birchwood

What age is a wobble board for?

The wobble board is suitable for kids 0 and older.  Yes, that means big kids and even adults can use wobble boards too.

The best thing about balance boards for kids such as the wobble board is that it’s the type of toy that grows with your child.  As your child gets older, the balance board is simply used in different ways.

It’s a fact that toddlers play in vastly different ways to older children.  But there’s no doubt developing and retaining balance skills are beneficial throughout childhood and beyond.

How can a balance board help my child?

A kids balance board can help your child in a number of ways, each with their own developmental benefits.

Balance boards can help your child by:

  • Helps your child develop balance through play.

  • Encourages your child to exercise and use simple bodyweight exercises to build strength.

  • Even develops problem-solving skills as your child grows and discovers different things they can now do with their balance board.

You see, the balance board becomes whatever your child imagines it to be. There really is no limit.

Do balance boards really work?

Yes, balance boards really work.  Their health and development benefits are plain to see.

But the thing is, they work in a subtle manner.  While your child is having the time of their life playing and trying to stay steady, they’re already receiving priceless benefits such as learning to balance and building fine motor skills.

It’s not only balance that is developed on a wobble board, but your child will also build cognition and start to understand how they can interact with the world at large.

Coordination and timing are such important skills that a child must learn and the balance board goes a long way in helping your child build and discover them.

How long should you use a balance board?

You should encourage your children to use their balance boards for as long as they want.  The more they play, the more they practise and develop fine motor skills and balance.

As a parent, you don’t need to be thinking about putting time limits on sessions.  Let your child work out their physical limits for themselves and build fitness in the process.

When it comes to putting a cap on the age that kids should use a balance board, once again there’s no need.  Your kids will just start to use their balance boards in different ways as they grow, which is something that should be encouraged rather than deterred.

Balancing Fun and Exercise: 8 Benefits of Kids Balancing Boards

The latest data shows that the majority of Australian children and adolescents are not as active as they ought to be.

In fact, only 12 per cent of children and two per cent of adolescents regularly meet the physical activity and screen-based behaviour guidelines laid out by the Australian government.

If you're looking for ways to help your children be more active, you may want to consider investing in tools like balance boards (sometimes referred to as wobble boards). 

Read on to learn more about 10 of the greatest benefits of kids balancing boards and why you might want to buy one for your child. 

What is a Balance Board?

A balance board is a special tool designed to help kids (and adults) work on improving their balance and coordination. 

Most boards are made of high-quality wood and are made in a half-circle shape. The goal when using one is to stay upright and maintain your balance while avoiding letting the board tilt too far to one side or the other. Its gives children a sense of balance.

Benefits of Kids Balancing Boards

There are lots of reasons why your child can benefit from using a balance board also referred to as a wobble board. The following are some of the most well-known benefits they have to offer:

1. Increase Daily Activity

It's not always easy to get your kids interested in moving and being active, especially when they have easy access to video games and other toys that encourage sedentary behaviour.

With a balance board, though, it's easy for them to fit in more activity throughout the day. They can even use the board while they're watching a movie or are engaged in another activity. Once your kid gets the hang of how to use the board, you might find that they never want to get off of it. 

2. Improve Balance and Coordination

When they're young, many children have trouble with their balance and coordination. They might be more prone to tripping and stumbling, for example.

Purchasing a balance board is an effective and affordable solution to this common problem. The more time children spend working on their balance and coordination and building their core strength, the better off they'll be.

Taking steps to improve their balance now will also decrease the likelihood that they'll experience long-term balance or coordination issues in the future. 

3. Improve Proprioception

To a certain extent, balance and coordination issues are common and should not be cause for concern among children. However, the issues don't seem to get better, they could have a more serious problem with their proprioception.

Proprioception refers to a person's ability to perceive the position of their body in space. Children who have hearing or inner ear problems, as well as children who experience sensory disorders, may be more prone to proprioception issues.

If this is the case for your child, a balance board can help to improve their balance and proprioceptive abilities.

4. Take a Break from Screens

Purchasing toys like balance boards that encourage your child to get up and get active is a great way to help them take a break from screen exposure, too.

Most kids in developed nations spend way too much time looking at tablets, smartphones, and television screens.

It's true that they can still use balance boards while using these other devices. However, they might also find that they don't want to and would rather focus on the board by itself.

5. Encourage Creativity

Your kids can use balance boards for way more than practising their balance. You'd be amazed at some of the creative uses kids come up with for their balance boards. They might use them as tunnels for cars or trains, for example, or as a bed for a baby doll. The options that come with one toy are almost endless.

6. Improve Posture

Not only will your child's balance, coordination, and proprioception improve when they start using a balance board, but their posture will likely improve, too.

Thanks to the increased amount of time they spend sitting, many kids are experiencing postural difficulties that used to be limited to older adults.

For example, many kids deal with upper-crossed syndrome, a condition that causes the head and shoulders to round forward, creating an unnatural curve in the spine.

7. Reduce Injury Risk

When your child has good posture, a stronger core, and better balance and coordination, they'll be less likely to injure themselves.

Whether it's a twisted ankle that occurs while they're running on the playground or a slip and fall on a patch of ice, these kinds of injuries will happen less often if your child starts working on their balance and core strength now, while they're still growing and developing.

8. No Instructions Necessary

You don't need to spend hours reading an instruction manual before you give your child a balance board.

You don't have to watch hours of tutorials online either. Balance boards are a self-explanatory toy that you and your child will be able to figure out in no time at all.

As an added bonus, there's no need to invest in batteries or chargers for the balance board, either. It's self-sustaining and ready to use whenever your child is ready.

Tips for Choosing a Balance Board for Kids

As you can see, there are lots of reasons for your kids to use a wobble board on a regular basis.

If you want your kid to experience all these benefits, though, you need to make sure you choose the right board for them. Here are some things to keep in mind when searching for one:

Age Recommendations

Before you pick up a particular balance board, check to see the age recommendations listed on the package or in the online description. This will help you ensure you're buying a board that's a good fit for your child's specific needs. 


Consider the durability of the board, too. Most balance boards that are made out of wood are quite durable and will last for a long time.

Be wary of plastic models. They may cost less than their wooden counterparts, but they tend to be more fragile and don't last as long.

Remember, balance boards are just like anything else. In most cases, you get what you pay for.


Take note of how far the board tilts, too. Some boards tilt in a more dramatic fashion than others depending on the way they're designed and structured.

Boards that have less of a curve to them may be easier for your child to use, and they may be less frightening for young children who are worried about falling down. 

Number of Pieces

Pay attention to the number of pieces included with the board as well.

Most balance boards come in just one piece. Some are made of two or more pieces, though. These boards are more challenging to learn to use and are best suited for older children or adults.

Young kids will usually do better with a one-piece curved balance board.

Ways to Use Balancing Boards for Kids

When your child first receives their balance board, they may be a bit confused about how they're supposed to use it. It might take a little time for them to warm up to the idea of using this toy as well.

Don't give up hope if they don't respond to the balance board right away. If you're not sure how to encourage your child to start testing it out, be sure to give these tips a try:

Put the Board in a Common Area

Make sure you store the board in an area where your child can easily see it. Keep it in their playroom or in the living room near some of their most frequently used toys. This increases the likelihood that they'll see it and want to try it out.

Offer Support

Your child may be nervous about standing on the board at first. Offer them your hand to give them some extra support. 

Lead by Example

You may want to demonstrate how to use the board, too. If your child sees you using it, they will likely be more eager to try it out themselves. 

Be Patient

Finally, remember to be patient. It might take your child a few tries before they get the hang off the balance board. Or, they might take a while to warm up to it.

Don't try to rush them. They'll find their way to it eventually, and they'll be more inclined to use it long-term if they don't feel that they're being forced to do so.

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