Why Cubby Houses are so Great

15 Sep

If you ever had a cubby house as a kid, you’ll already know what we are talking about. Cubbies are magical places, and often hold a special place in our hearts when we look back on our childhood.

They can be tiny or a little bigger, and they can replicate an actual house in appearance or simply be made from a few planks of wood and a tarp. It’s the ideal place to hide out, play games, share secrets with friends and enjoy life as a kid.

Building a cubby house is a great way to encourage your child to get creative. If you are planning on making a cubby for them, let them also participate in the process so you can ensure they’ll end up with a little cubby they’ll love and treasure for years to come.

If you aren’t the building type, buying a cubby house ready built is a great idea and you can still add personal touches to it if you like.

When searching for the right style and type of cubby for your kids, consider their age and developmental level as well as any safety issues and lighting that may be required.

Source: http://childrens-bookz.info/cubby-house-for-your-cute-kids/

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